Bunk Beds with Stairs and Why Kids Love Them

Bunk Beds with Stairs and Why Kids Love Them

If kids are asked what kind of bed they want, they will probably answer “Bunk beds!” To children, nothing seems more exciting than choosing bunk beds with stairs. These models are not only practical, but they let kids exercise their imaginations. Parents like them because they are inexpensive and allow siblings to bunk together in comfort. Even only children love them because they allow room for fun sleepovers. They are an all-purpose bedroom purchase.

Kids bunk beds with stairs are simple to assemble and, once put together, they last for a very long time. They are constructed from sturdy wood and hardware to withstand the heavy use that kids will inflict upon them. The stairs make accessing the top bunk easy and safe. Also, they conserve space so that small bedrooms can hold the sets and still have room for a few other pieces of furniture, like dressers and chairs.

Bunk Bed with Children's Ladder
Image Credit: Nation.ryobitools.com

These beds come in different sizes, including full over full bunk beds with stairs, which can sleep four little boys or girls with room left over for stuffed animals. Mattresses for these bunk beds can also be inexpensive. Some people choose futon mattresses, but affordable regular mattresses work well, and no box springs are needed. With a full bunk bed unit, generations of kids can sleep in comfort. These beds are built to last and can probably handle the grandchildren, too.

Cheap bunk beds with stairs can also be a good investment. A solid wood or metal model is affordable for most people and can serve several children at once. These units have been the saving grace of many a parent on a tight budget. The kids will never guess the beds were cheap. They will be too busy enjoying climbing on the stairs and playing fort or ship. Bunk beds are great for kids’ imaginations, and as long as they don’t jump off the top bunk, are safe. They are also perfect for staging pillow fights.

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Twin over twin bunk beds with stairs fit into smaller bedrooms and are still perfect for brothers or sisters to share. Twin mattresses are also inexpensive, so the entire set will cost less than two conventional beds. Also, these beds can be taken apart and moved to different rooms or new locations. A good bunk bed will last through a couple of generations and multiple moves. Not many other pieces of furniture can take the constant stress that good bunk beds can.

Bunk Bed with Children's Ladder2
Image Credit: Maxtrixkids.com

Little girls might prefer white bunk beds with stairs. White will look better with pink, and their doll collections will look super cute perched on the top bunk. Little girls may look sweet, but they also are hard on furniture, so bunk beds are an excellent choice for them as well as for boys. The color makes the beds look more feminine, and it goes with any décor. Also, little girls love having sleepovers, and bunk beds are perfect for those nights of giggling and exchanging secrets, but don’t expect anyone to get much sleep on those nights!

Bunk beds aren’t magic, but they satisfy many needs. They are affordable, sleep up to four kids, and fit in limited space. Also, a good bunk bed set can withstand hordes of children playing battleship or tree house. Many excellent childhood memories can be created by sharing bunk beds with siblings or friends. In some ways, bunk beds are parents’ best friends. They can take a child from preschool to high school, saving mom and dad lots of money and inconvenience. Every kid should have one of these beds. They are an important part of childhood.

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