Above Ground Pool Decks Come in Many Forms

Above Ground Pool Decks Come in Many Forms

Once upon a time, above ground pools were installed as almost an afterthought, a sad alternative to in-ground pools with lavish decks. Today, though, above ground pools are stronger and more popular than ever. And they are just as likely as in-ground pools to provide plenty of room to lounge poolside. This is usually accomplished by above ground pool decks, which are elevated to the height of the pool. Built 3 to 6 feet off of the ground, there are several popular designs for these decks.

Design Concepts

Above ground pool decks can be built in almost any shape and size, but they can generally be broken down into three main categories. Depending on how you want to use the deck and your budget, you can opt for a full-surround deck, a side deck or a combination of the two. All of these designs have pros and cons, but one is sure to meet your needs.

design concept
Image Credit: Kennokyos.xyz

A deck that surrounds the perimeter of the pool is a popular choice for an above ground pool. Typically, these decks are oval or circular in shape and are built so that the inner edge lays less than an inch from the side of the pool. This structure not only hides the sides of the pool, but allows you to enter the pool from any point around it. This can also make cleaning the pool easier, because you can walk on all sides of the pool. This type of deck, however, does not offer adequate space for lounging poolside or other outdoor activities. In addition, full-surround decks typically require more supports than other types of decks.

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Side decks are another design that is popular for above ground pool decks. A side deck is built against the side of the pool, but it does not go all the way around it. In some cases, these decks are square or rectangular, but many times they are round or crescent-shaped and wrap around part of the pool. The size of these decks vary widely, from just large enough for a ladder to be anchored from the pool to large enough for several lounge chairs, a grill and a picnic area.

The final design option for above ground pool decks is to combine a perimeter deck and a side deck. This type of design gives pool owners the best of both options. It completely hides the pool walls, and allows you to walk all the way around the pool’s edge. At the same time, there is an area on one side that offers space for lounging, grilling and other outdoor activities. If you are interested in tying your above ground pool deck to a back porch or other deck, this may be your best option. Because you are essentially building and installing twice the deck, the price tag is typically more for combination decks than for full-surround decks or side decks.

Decking Materials

Decking Materials
Image Credit: Floridapoolpatio.com

Above ground pool decks can be made out of several different types of materials. Choosing a decking material is one of the most important decisions when it comes to building a deck, because it affects both the budget and the lifetime of your new deck. While pressure-treated wood is a common choice, it requires a lot of maintenance and can be damaged due to sun exposure and constant exposure to chemically treated water. Lumber made of composite materials or plastic or metal decking may be a better option if your budget allows.

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Above ground pool decks can be both attractive and functional. There are many design options available, and there is one that is sure to meet both your style and your budget. You can choose to build a traditional wooden deck that adjoins the side of your pool and provides an area for lounging, or have a deck installed which is made of composite materials and allows you to walk all the way around your pool.

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