Staying Fit When The Cold Weather Hits, Part Two
Last Thursday, I began a two-part series on how to stay fit when the autumn winds begin to blow and you decide to put your outdoor fitness routine on the shelf for a few months. However, your body needs exercise, no matter what season it is. In part one, I mentioned three of the more well-known traditional indoor fitness ideas: using a treadmill, rebounding, and jump roping.
Today, I want to introduce you three additional indoor fitness ideas that can add some spice to your workout routine.
- The WorkOutPass. Were you aware that you could download fitness routines from the Internet, then play and follow them from your computer? The WorkOutPass, for one single price, allows you to access 43 (and growing) websites that provide various online workouts. Want to burn more fat? They’ve got a workout for you. Tighten your abs? That, too. Want workouts especially designed for baseball players, wrestlers, and pregnant women? Got it, got it, got it.
For just pennies a day, you can choose from a variety of workouts to do in the comfort of your home. The WorkOutPass is cheaper and more convenient than a gym.
- Yoga DVDs. When the weather turns cold, our bodies naturally want to slow down and take life a little easier. What better way to continue on in your fitness routine in a more relaxed way than yoga?
If you’ve never tried yoga before, but always been intrigued by the poses, it’s a great way to tone muscle, improve flexibility, and reduce stress. You can find DVDs that target particular body parts, like this one, as well as prenatal yoga DVDs and yoga for beginners DVDs.
- Dance! Turn on your favorite tunes and get your body moving to the beat! Or, if you prefer, you can find a wide variety of dance workouts on DVD. From hip-hop to belly dancing, DVD dance routines provide a lot of fun and a great cardiovascular workout. You can even get couples dance instruction DVDs. Can you think of a more romantic way to begin or end the day with your spouse, and get your heartbeat moving and those calories burning?
Actually, yes, we can. Moving right along…
Now you have no excuse to ditch your fitness routine just because the weather turns cold. Whether you want to run on a treadmill, download a specialized workout online, or dance around your living room, you now have a good idea of how to stay fit when the cold weather hits.