A First Aid Kit, Nature’s Way

A First Aid Kit, Nature’s Way

We all understand the bare-bones basics of putting together a first aid kit: bandages, some kind of disinfectant, some kind of pain reliever. But for those of us who want to avoid chemicals and the toxins found in drugs, putting together first aid kits is more than a matter of picking up a little plastic box at the drug store.

However, thanks to essential oils, a natural first aid kit can still be inexpensive and compact in size.

There are six oils that are a must for such a kit.

1. Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint relieves pain – but do not put it on an open wound – and minimizes bruises. To relieve a headache, apply to the back of the neck, on the forehead, the temples, and the nose (it works even better when used in conjunction with lavender oil).

Put a drop on the tongue to relieve nausea or other gastrointestinal discomfort. Relieve hot flashes by applying to the back of the neck, or drinking a drop in a glass of water.

Put it on a first- or second-degree burn. Relieves bee stings in an instant: drop it on the sting, then tap and blow on it.

2. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus (radiata is the safest type) is a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral oil, so use it on cuts and scrapes. Apply it across the bridge of the nose and on the sinus area of face to relieve sinus infections.

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For the cold or flu, put one drop on the wrist and rub back and forth between it and the forearm, every hour. You can also take it in a capsule two to three times per day.

Applied to the chest, clavicle and on the back it will ease viral infections. A few drops in a foot bath both soothes the feet and prevents illness.

3. Tea tree oil

Another must-have for an essential oil first aid kit is tea tree oil. Use it in all the same ways you would use Eucalyptus. For ear infections, apply behind and under the ear, then rub down the jawline.

Speed the healing of pink eye by putting one drop of tea tree oil and 1/4 tsp. salt in warm water. Put this on a compress and hold on the eyes.

For an abscess in the mouth, or sore gums by the molars, apply three times daily.

Use in place of antibiotics after wisdom teeth are removed.

Take a drop under the tongue at the first sign of illness.

4. Geranium

Geranium oil relieves pain, calms the emotions, and disinfects. It also will stop bleeding.

For eczema, rub a couple drops in the area a couple times a day, and in about four days it will be healed.

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5. Marjoram

A First Aid Kit, Nature’s Way

This is the anti-spasmodic part of your first aid kit. It stops muscle pain, including spasms and any kind of cramping, in its tracks. Apply it to sore leg and arm muscles after working out, and to the back of the neck before bed to support restful sleep.

For hacking coughs, apply to the chest and inhale.

6. Lavender

Lavender is anti-any kind of pathogen, helps heal burns, cuts, cysts on face, and scrapes. It relieves insomnia and shock.

It relaxes and soothes the nerves, provides allergy relief, and is antispasmodic. It can calm asthma, colic, whooping cough, flatulence, labor pains, sprains, strains and stress.

It regenerates cells and therefore helps in the healing of scars, thread veins and stretch marks.

It not only repels insects, but helps to heal insect bits as well as other causes of itching. Having a drying effects, it also helps balance oily skin and heal acne and dermatitis.

Buy some undiluted, high-quality essential oils (if a label says “pure” it means nothing), add a few bandages to the mix, and your natural first aid kit is ready to go!