Thyme Heals All Wounds

Thyme Heals All Wounds

In the world of essential oils, few can beat thyme essential oil for its price and effectiveness on a variety of problems. While it is warm, and hot if taken orally, it does not burn the skin like its partner, oregano oil.

“Wait a minute,” you say. “I thought thyme was just a great flavoring herb.”

So it is! In fact, one drop of the oil in a serving of olive oil viniagrette gives a salad an out-of-this-world taste. But it is so much more. So much more that I believe everyone should have a bottle of this oil in their natural medicine cabinet.

Medicinal uses of thyme essential oil

Thyme Heals All Wounds

Thyme is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. At the first signs of a cold or flu, put a couple drops in a gel capsule with some carrier oil – any healthy vegetable oil will do – and take three such capsules a day until one day after the symptoms are gone. This will likely take less than five days, and in the meantime you will probably not feel any worse.

It helps clear up asthma, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, and tonsilitis. Use it three or four times a year for a couple of weeks to clean out parasites.

Dilute with a carrier oil and gargle for strep throat and whooping cough.

READ:  Food As Medicine

“Well, you can just get a vaccine for whooping cough.”

Sure you can. And it lasts two entire years. And toxifies your body in the process. And suppresses your immune system. Thyme essential oil, on the other hand, combats infectious diseases while increasing your white blood cell count.

Moving right along…

Thyme is energizing, so it relieves some symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and counteracts sluggishness. It also aids with the digestive organs, stimulating the appetite and lowering gas.

It helps with issues of blood, as well, stimulating menstrual flow in women who are not menstruating regularly or completely, increasing circulation, and balancing blood pressure.

Thyme essential oil stops anthrax in its tracks.

Thyme oil also accelerates the healing of cuts, bruising, wounds and insect bites and stings. (Thus the title of the post. 😉 )

Beauty uses for thyme essential oil

Because the oil increases circulation to the skin, it encourages elimination of waste through the skin and reduces cellulose.

In addition, it strengthens nerves, eases stress, enhances memory and improves concentration.

This is not the end of all the health benefits of thyme essential oil, but it is the end of the post. Except to say that you need to be picky about where you get your essential oils. Be sure to visit this page to find out where to find the best.

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