The Best Raw Ice Cream Ever!

The Best Raw Ice Cream Ever!

How’s this for a healthy diet? The other day, we had ice cream for breakfast.


Of course, it wasn’t the run-of-the-mill grocery store frozen sugar-laden stuff. It was raw ice cream, made from young coconuts. I based it on the recipe in Natalia Rose’s book, The Raw Food Detox Diet, but decided to modify it.

The original recipe calls for three young coconuts, maple syrup, vanilla and ice. The first time I made it, I followed the recipe verbatim, and my then 2-year-old son Benjamin went wild with a sugar high.

Grade B maple syrup, however nutritious it may be, still has a very high glycemic level.

The next several times, I used agave nectar instead of the syrup. No Benjamin bouncing off the walls, but agave nectar is still a processed food and how truly low-glycemic it is can be debated.

So as I pondered whether to serve raw ice cream for breakfast this past Saturday morning, I wondered why I didn’t just substitute frozen fruit for the sweetener and ice.

That is exactly what I did, and we were in healthy ice cream heaven the morning we ate it! The original recipe is delicious, but this one – in my humble opinion – is even better. Dare you to try it…and eat it for breakfast!

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Raw Coconut Ice Cream

The Best Raw Ice Cream Ever!

  • Meat from 3 young coconuts
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1/4 cup cashews, optional
  • 2 frozen bananas, sliced
  • 1 cup frozen grapes

Put the coconut, water, cashews, and grapes in your Vita-Mix. Blend thoroughly. Add a few banana slices at a time while blending on medium. You will probably need to push them down with the pusher, and move the variable speed knob from low to high several times to get the blades to catch all the banana slices.

Divide among three bowls and enjoy! (It turns out like a very soft soft-serve ice cream, or super thick smoothie.)

Go wild with this recipe – try berries instead of grapes, or add some organic raw chocolate powder, for example. Try it, and tell me how you liked it in the comments below. 🙂