Alternative Cancer Cures

Alternative Cancer Cures

In search of alternative cancer cures, or ways to heal cancers beyond that which is offered by conventional medicine? I congratulate you. Because the fact is, many times conventional treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy and drugs put the body in an even more compromised position.

They are, in essence, either toxic or dangerous.

Before I get too far into this article, I have to tell you that I use the word “cures” with caution. The fact is, there is no cure for cancer. There is no cure for anything. Rather, there are ways to give the body the support it needs to bring out its own natural healing powers.

So the techniques I am about to mention should be considered in that light. Also, always be sure to consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner before giving up medications and/or trying something new to heal your body.

Alternative Cancer Cures

  • Asparagus treatment: cook and puree asparagus and store in refrigerator. Patient takes 4 tablespoons twice a day, morning and evening. Reports generally are that improvement begins within a month.
  • Mineral treatment: use functional medicine or hair analysis to find out which minerals you are deficient in. Begin taking the necessary mineral supplements.
  • Budwig diet: German physician Johanna Budwig developed an effective diet that focuses on flaxseed oil, cottage cheese and raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Gerson therapy: consume only fresh juices, focusing on vegetables, and cleanse regularly with enemas.
  • Sunlight: cancer is often caused by a lack of vitamin D. While I wouldn’t count on using sunlight all by itself to treat cancer, I would recommend anyone healing from the disease to get out in the sun for at least an hour a day.
  • Ozonated water: ozonate the water you drink with an ozone generator. You can also buy appliances that put ozone into the air of your bedroom while you sleep. Some people have actually found healing from cancer in this way.
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Prevention is the best alternative cancer cure

Alternative Cancer Cures

Create a lifestyle that includes the following principles, and you are likely never to have to worry about cancer showing up in your body.

  • Eat a diet high in raw foods.
  • Limit meat to 4 ounces once a day, or less frequently.
  • Stay away from all processed foods, including pastuerized dairy.
  • Use high-quality essential oils on a daily basis.
  • Reduce stress. As much as you can.
  • Exercise for at least thirty minutes a day, at least four days a week.
  • Drink at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of purified water every day. More if it’s hot.
  • Avoid man-made chemicals like the plague: conventional personal hygiene products, tap water (use a shower filter), conventional household cleaners, etc.

The treatments described above give only a partial list of possible alternative cancer cures. Do your due diligence in the area, and I am confident you will find a natural mode of healing that fits your body to a T.