Natural Cures For Cancer

Natural Cures For Cancer

Will we ever have a cure for cancer? The fact is, we already do. Many natural cures for cancer exist.

If that statement surprises you, keep in mind that the mainstream media receives much of its monetary support from the pharmaceutical companies. Don’t hold your breath waiting for an announcement that something as simple as a radical change of diet can eradicate cancer from the body. Not from the major news sources.

Following is a list of ways that various and sundry people have used to cure themselves of cancer without resorting to chemotherapy, radiation, or drugs. (And be sure to read my disclaimer before you take any action.)

Natural Cures For Cancer

  • Raw food vegan diet. Eliminating all processed foods and increasing your intake of vegetables is key here. Since meat is the most acidic food there is, getting it out of the diet at least temporarily will help your body to fight off cancer. I do not promote a raw vegan diet as a lifestyle; however, as a short-term remedy it can be beneficial to cancer patients.
  • Gershon Therapy. This is a therapy that attacks cancer by feeding the body only alkaline foods, namely greens-based juices, and cleansing the colon via enemas.
  • Essential oils. Perhaps the most ancient natural cures for cancer! Frankincense, geranium, helichrysm and lavender oils all have incredibly powerful cancer-fighting properties. The first two in particular have been found to actually kill cancer cells in laboratory tests. WARNING: you will probably highly disappointed by the effectiveness of essential oils found in health food stores. I explain why here.
  • Marine phytoplankton (which Masaji contains 😉 ) In the video I explain how powerfully this superfood from the sea can help with healing from cancer.
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Natural cures for cancer are out there, and they are all safe and effective.